Friday, June 16, 2017

Happy Father's Day weekend!

A fast shout out to all the amazing father's in the world!
May you be blessed with an extraordinary year filled with those you love & enjoy, health and wellness!
And just because it's Friday here's a flashback for you of my Dad and I from is a little blurry, but we were on a bus at the time...
Happy Father's Day!
PS.  Oh and "I'm a Dragon" my Chinese Zodiac colouring book will be live on Amazon pretty soon (this weekend I'm hoping)!  Here's the link
PPS.  Now some have asked why I'd name the books such silly titles if they are created for adults.  Well, everytime I'm in a situation (normally out for Chinese food) and there is a placemat that shows the Zodiac on it whomever I'm with will say, "I'm a ______" or "I think I'm a ____________"  Hence the name!  Enjoy a fantastic week

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