Thursday, June 14, 2007

Way too close

As some of you know this past week I had the most disturbing phone call from my sister-in-law. My baby brother (who before you ask thank god is OK & home now) was hit by an SUV which was in a highspeed chase with the cops.

The SUV that hit him was stolen by a group of thugs who are known by police.

Without getting into all of the details of the accident, the car my brother was driving is a total write-off. When it was obvious the SUV was going to hit him, the driver did not slow down but rather sped up intending to plough through him.

Police say the four thugs (2 age 17 & 2 age 18) will most likely be out of prision by the end of the week.

All I know is something has to be done. This is getting crazy and way too close to home.

More importantly, my baby brother is alive & made a good driving decision which saved his life.

This sure reminds you to live each and every day to its fullest.

Love those around you passionately as you never know when they won't be there anymore.

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