Thursday, March 26, 2015


Talking to Mom yesterday and I mentioned something that needs to be done this coming Saturday the 28th.  She said, "Ah no problem, let's deal with that later.  Now what's up for Friday?"

"No Mom," I redirected her.  "We need to know what is happening for Saturday so we can finish making our plans."

"But this is the weekend of the 21st, the 28th is a whole week away!"

She was pretty surprised to discover she'd lost a week in there.  Funny how life and in this case death can lead toward missing time.

I wish we could erase these past few weeks and not feel so raw.

It's like one of my friends at the funeral said.... right now you are feeling like the underside of a quilt.  It's raw, it has strings hanging out of it; but there will come a time when you'll flip that quilt over and discover it's beauty.

In my moments of grief, I'll await those times.

This is the last Picture of my brother with his son Zach taken at Christmas 2014.

I feel at such a loss of what to do here.  The family is raising monies to help pay for the children's education.  My brother's kids Zach (8) and Jacob (15) are left along with their mother Tanya without a dad and partner.

I'm raising as much as I can from here.  Please donate to My Nephews Education Fund

Please share & thank you if you donate, every little bit will help.

You can also privately message me and I can offer you other options if you do not wish to do so online.

Thank you in eternal gratitude.

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