Friday, August 05, 2016


I'm a Sagittarius and love Astrology.  I love to hear YouTuber's discussing what elements of the planets are effecting us each week.  And find a lot of the time the advice is worth listening to.  Sometime it's exactly what you need to hear.  A number of years ago I did a poster series on each Zodiac sign.  Here's my Aries poster... you can find all of these over on Pinterest:

I've taken the original posters, made them grey scale and added 'my girls':

This one is actually the cover of My Secret Amazing Delightful Life book and not included in the new book, but gives you an idea.  One for each of the signs with areas to record birthdays etc.  Here it is!

Inside there are the 12 signs (traits, elements, qualities, gemstones and more), other influencing planets (Venus, Mars, Neptune etc.,) as well as their main traits and the 12 houses featuring their main themes. You'll find descriptions of the Four Elements (fire, earth, water air) and the Qualities (cardinal/fixed/mutable). 

Artwork is simple, easy and whimsical. There is space to record your personal details or areas you may use to journal. Keep track of important dates to remember ; birthdays, anniversary’s or other dates.  

Would love you to have one!  It would make a great gift also.  Please share & thank you for your support!


PS.  This version is 8.5 x 11 and there is another which is smaller but exactly the same.  The small version is 5 X 8 so it's easier to store for those dates you don't want to forget!

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